Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Family Pictures!

Thanks sis for taking my family pictures. It was
quite a task but at least we got a few.


  1. I love what you've done with your blog. Cute stuff!!

  2. Yay, I'm happy to have found your blog! Your pix turned out so cute! I'm jelous, maybe someday I'll get one, if i can get my kids to listen, and drew to agree!

  3. Hi Kristin, I'm so glad you started a blog, I love it! Your family pictures are adorable. Your kids look so big. Cardyn was brand new when we saw you last. Are you guys planning on coming to Lake Powell? I sadly can't make it this year. I will be in Iowa for two weeks for an internship I got in. I'm really upset but I guess there's always next year. How are things going for you guys? We are good busy with school still it feels like it may never end. We'll I'm excited to keep up with you guys are your blog.

  4. I just came over to get a visual of who you were, Kristin, but couldn't help but comment on how beautiful the photos are! I love that they aren't the traditional sit and pose--your sister is a very talented girl.
